Test /
(:theme red-gold palatino:)
<< GeminiThemes1 | GeminiThemes | GeminiThemes3 >>
Testing red-gold palatino theme
markup used is (:theme red-gold palatino:)
A custom markup (:theme colourscheme fontscheme:)
can be used to show individual pages (or groups) with different colour and font schemes. For instance (:theme sand:)
will show the current page in 'sand' colour scheme. (:theme red-gold comic:)
will show the current page in 'red-gold' colour scheme and
'comic' font scheme.
The first parameter after (:theme
needs to be a valid colour scheme name, the second parameter
is optional and needs to be a valid font scheme name (or be omitted).
Theme markup can be disabled by setting $EnableThemes = 0;