
Pages for the basic author audience

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SitePageActions  how site page actions work

Pages for authors (excluding basic authors)

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Categories  Categories are a way to organize and find related pages
WebFeeds  Web feed notification of changes

Pages for visitors

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Pages with a specified audience (excluding authors and visitors)

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AccessKeys  Access keys are keyboard shortcuts for tasks that would otherwise require a mouse
Blocklist  Blocking IP addresses, phrases, and expressions to counteract spam and vandalism.
Categories  Categories are a way to organize and find related pages
ConditionalMarkup  The if directive allows portions of a page to be included or excluded from rendering
DocumentationGuidelines  Broad guidelines used for writing PmWiki documentation
LinkIMap  Description PmWiki's internal function LinkIMap?()
MakeLink  Describes an internal function in PmWiki's engine called MakeLink?()
MarkupVariables  redirects to Page variables
Passwords  General use of passwords and login
SitePageActions  how site page actions work
WebFeeds  Web feed notification of changes
WikiFarmTerminology  An explanation of the terminology used to describe PmWiki farms
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