Test /
- Cookbook.AbbreviationPlurals Automatically format text like CCDs as a plural abbreviation, instead of as a wikiword.
- Cookbook.AbcSong add and edit abc music using existing PmWiki scripts and rendered as score and midi by abcjs javascript abc editor
- Cookbook.AbcTunebook add and edit abc music using Fox and rendered as score and midi by abcjs javascript abc editor
- Cookbook.Accessibility Accessibility Enhancements
- Cookbook.AddDeleteLine2 An easy way to add information to a page and delete it again.
- Cookbook.AddDeleteLine3 An easy way to add information to a page and delete it again.
- Cookbook.AddImageType Add new image type extension
- Cookbook.AddingAuthLevels Adding an auth level and page attribute
- Cookbook.AddLinkTagsBookmarklet Adding links, selected text and tags from another page to a wiki page
- Cookbook.AddToggle Add a toggle link
- Cookbook.AddToWatchlist Add or remove a page from your watchlist trail with a single click
- Cookbook.Adit Affliate advertising management system
- Cookbook.AdminByShell A collection of ways to assist sysadmin of pmwiki using shell tools
- Cookbook.AdvancedTableDirectives Add Table capabilities - nested tables, zebra tables, new directives.
- Cookbook.Ai Ai is another mysql data query using an original and efficient system of envelop and masks
- Cookbook.AjaxEditSupport Adds a wikipage/attachment/category AJAX browser to Edit pages
- Cookbook.AMmathjax Add markup to embed math using ASCII MATH by MathJax?.
- Cookbook.Ape-Talk-Archive Archive with older threads from Ape-Talk
- Cookbook.AtLinks Alternative linking scheme with @ prefix (@Page)
- Cookbook.AttachDelete An enhancement to the current upload feature to allow the deletion of uploaded files.
- Cookbook.Attache A bundle of attachment joy
- Cookbook.AttachIcons Add icon images to Attach file links according to file extension
- Cookbook.AttachIcons2 Add icon images to Attach file links according to file extension
- Cookbook.AttachlistExtended-Draft A replacement version of the attachlist directive with additional functionality.
- Cookbook.Attachman Attachman[ager] shows attaches as a rich sortable table, works also via AJAX
- Cookbook.Attachtable Actions to rename, delete & restore deleted attachments, as well as an attachlist replacement to use those actions, show file types and list attachment references.
- Cookbook.AuthenticatedAsConditional A different way of performing authentication than PmWiki's "default"
- Cookbook.AuthorContribution Automatically Produce an "Author Contributions" page for each author.
- Cookbook.Authorcontribution-OldVersion Author Contribution, old version
- Cookbook.AuthUserBbPress Ability to Authenticate against a MySQL? BBPress? user database.
- Cookbook.AuthUserSignup Allow users to sign up themselves (with email verification) for authuser accounts
- Cookbook.AuthUserVBulletin Allows PmWiki to use vBulletin for a user login/password base, and to borrow PmWiki groups from vBulletin.
- Cookbook.AutoCreateCategory Automatically creates category pages for all tags in the page text
- Cookbook.AutoCreatePages Automatically create pages based on the name of the current page.
- Cookbook.AutomaticChangeSummary Automatic change summaries
- Cookbook.AutoRestore Automatically restore pages after a set time interval
- Cookbook.AutoSave Autosave pages in the background while editing
- Cookbook.AutoTel A recipe to automatically detect and markup telephone numbers
- Cookbook.AutoThumber Automatically resize uploaded images using ImageMagick?
- Cookbook.BackupPages Automatically back up the wiki.d directory to a .zip file
- Cookbook.Bloge A bundle of blogging
- Cookbook.Bloge-Linkback Automatically send and receive Pingbacks and Trackbacks
- Cookbook.Bloge-UrlApprove Approve links one at a time
- Cookbook.BlogParser A simple parser for RSS feeds from content blocks based on kind-of-blog
- Cookbook.Bundle A (proposed) community-supported bundle of commonly used cookbook recipes
- Cookbook.ChartDirector Add a bar chart to a page using modifiable data in page markup
- Cookbook.Clustermaps An image based summary of the visitors to your site.
- Cookbook.CMSBundleAddLink An AddLink? Bookmarklet recipe: (:AddLink?:)
- Cookbook.CodeMirror An enhanced page editor for PmWiki
- Cookbook.Comment4Comment adds the possibility to comment on comments to commentboxstyled
- Cookbook.CommentBox Adds a simple form to post comments
- Cookbook.CommentsSplit A simple way to have publically-editable comments section at the bottom of your pages
- Cookbook.ConditionalExtensions A Conditional Markup extension for PmWiki 2.x
- Cookbook.ConfirmEditNotSaved Ask users to confirm if they are leaving the edit page without saving
- Cookbook.CookbookLicenses A go-to for cookbook authors and wiki authors about how recipes and Cookbook entries are licensed.
- Cookbook.CopyPasteCalendar Adds a calendar to your wiki pages without installing any additional scripts
- Cookbook.CountGlyphs A replacement for some of PmWiki's typographical wiki markup
- Cookbook.CryptPlus Additional password hashing algorithms for AuthUser and HtpasswdForm
- Cookbook.CSSInWikiPages Apply CSS styles via wiki pages
- Cookbook.CSVAction Adds a ?action=csv capability to pmwiki to output tables as a CSV
- Cookbook.CSVTemplate Allow representing the same CSV data in different locations using templates.
- Cookbook.DataPlates Automatically generate templates for displaying, editing, and searching database queries.
- Cookbook.Datepicker Adds a datepicker button (use it with a date input field)
- Cookbook.Dcal a calendar recipe
- Cookbook.DNSauth Authentication by (dynamic) DNS or IP address
- Cookbook.DragDropMultiUpload Allow authors to upload files by simply dropping them into the wiki page
- Cookbook.Edit-RestrictedProfile Authors can only edit their own pages in the Profiles group.
- Cookbook.EditCrypt Allow server-side encryption/decryption of pages while editing
- Cookbook.EditFormCustomFields Add "Title", "Creation Date", etc. custom input fields to the edit form of PmWiki. This enables mentioning the title of a page in a separate input field rather than in the
title ...:)
markup. Also enables changing the value of a page's 'ctime'. Can be customized to include more fields. - Cookbook.EditFunctionHelper A function to easily place, remove or substitute functions on EditFunctions? array
- Cookbook.EditMX Allow Markup Expressions to be used in the editing of a page
- Cookbook.EditTemplatesMenu Allow authors a choice among several pre-filled templates for new pages
- Cookbook.EditToolbar A shiny new set of icons, replacing and extending those on the standard edit toolbar.
- Cookbook.EmacsPmWikiMode Allow the use of Emacs for editing wiki pages in a PmWiki
- Cookbook.EmbedTweet a recipe to embed live tweets from twitter.com using Twitter's oembed API facility
- Cookbook.EPUBCreation Assembles wiki page collections into an EPUB e-book file
- Cookbook.EscapedMarkup Allow a selection of markup rules to be performed for otherwise escaped text
- Cookbook.ExpandingMenu A sidebar menu that supports nested lists where the nested items are displayed only if the user is in that group
- Cookbook.ExternalLinks2 Add an icon to external links and make them automatically open in a new window
- Cookbook.FAQToggleList Adding toggle buttons to a definition list
- Cookbook.FarmApacheConfiguration An attempt to secure a Pmwiki Farm with apache configuration
- Cookbook.FarmSetupByExample An alternative introduction to creating a WikiFarm
- Cookbook.Favicon Add a Favicon to your website
- Cookbook.FeedLinks Add HTML-header links to enable autodiscovery of RSS/Atom feeds.
- Cookbook.FeralSimpleCalendar A small simple calendar suitable for a rightbar, or header/footer or anywhere you wish.
- Cookbook.FileAttachList Adds a Ajax list of quickly attachable files to the edit page
- Cookbook.FontSizer Add buttons for instant font (text) resizing, preferrences are stored
- Cookbook.FootnotesExtended A footnote recipe with extended referencing possibilities
- Cookbook.FormExtensions adds fieldset, legend, and label tags to PmWiki forms
- Cookbook.FoxCalculator A simple calculator using a Fox form and calc markup expression
- Cookbook.FoxCommentBox Adding a comment form using Fox
- Cookbook.FoxDelete add delete links for deleting lines or sections with Fox
- Cookbook.FoxEdit add edit links for editing page sections and PTVs? with Fox
- Cookbook.FoxHoneyPot Adds honeypot trap for bots to Fox forms
- Cookbook.FoxNotify add email notifications and mailing capability to Fox forms
- Cookbook.FoxShoutboxAlternative An alternative Shoutbox
- Cookbook.FoxSimpleTodoList An example of how to use Fox to setup a simple 'todo list'.
- Cookbook.FPLTemplate Alternative FPLTemplate() function with hooks for developers for more flexible pagelist output
- Cookbook.FractionsPlus Adds simple markup to write fractions.
- Cookbook.French A version of the French translation converted to UTF-8
- Cookbook.GcalPKHG A partly transformation of the gcal calendar of the dokuwiki for the PmWiki
- Cookbook.GoogleAnalytics Add Google Analytics tracking code to wiki pages
- Cookbook.GoogleCSE Adds markup for a Google Custom Search Engine
- Cookbook.GoogleMapAPI Adds Google Map API to PmWiki pages.
- Cookbook.GooglePlusOne A recipe to enable the use of Google Plus One widgets in your PmWiki pages
- Cookbook.GoogleSearch Add a searchbox for site and websearch using google
- Cookbook.GpxStat A recipe to display statistics about a GPX file
- Cookbook.GreenGlass A multi-layered semi-transparent skin
- Cookbook.GTD-TLM An experimental JavaScript? GTD task/todo list manager
- Cookbook.GuiButtons add guibuttons to any textarea edit box
- Cookbook.GuiEdit Add graphical editing buttons, as in pmwiki.org's site
- Cookbook.GuiEditResize Allows resizing of the Edit text box, for convenience.
- Cookbook.HaloScan Another commenting recipe, leveraging the power of the HaloScan? service.
- Cookbook.HandleICal Add-on for wikicalendars to export/import events to/from ical-files
- Cookbook.Highslide A recipe that enables you to use the Highslide JS application in your wiki.
- Cookbook.HtmlUrls Add ".html" to the end of page urls
- Cookbook.HttpVariables Access http variables in the page, such as Get variables, Post data, and Cookies.
- Cookbook.Imagemaps an image based summary of the visitors to your site
- Cookbook.InactivityTimeout Automatically logout inactive users
- Cookbook.Index Alphabetical list of all recipes
- Cookbook.InlineRSS Allows insertion of an RSS feed's contents into a PmWiki page.
- Cookbook.InstaWiki A Bash shell script that installs a working wiki in seconds
- Cookbook.InternationalPTVs Allow international characters in the names of PageTextVariables
- Cookbook.Journal A lightweight calendar with navigation and daily journal entries
- Cookbook.JsMath Add markup to display and embed mathematical formulas in wiki pages using TeX?.
- Cookbook.JumpBox A pull down menu that can be used for navigation
- Cookbook.LinguisticGlosses Adds markup for entering glossed text
- Cookbook.LinkIcons Add icons to your links according to their extensions.
- Cookbook.LinksTreeMenu A Simple Dynamic Hierarchical Tree Menu for PmWiki Groups and Pages
- Cookbook.LinkTel Active telephone links in wiki pages
- Cookbook.LinkTitles Add "title" attributes to all links
- Cookbook.ListOfBundles-Candidates A discussion of pre-bundled wikis
- Cookbook.Logbook A simple AJAXified? calendar for side bars turning your wiki into a bliki = blog + wiki
- Cookbook.Mailform3 A single wiki page mail form with feedback
- Cookbook.Markdown A replacement for some of PmWiki's typographical wiki markup
- Cookbook.Marklets An easy-to-use, categorical, bookmark management system.
- Cookbook.MarkupExtensions Adds a range of character, start of line, and link markup extensions
- Cookbook.MarkupOnlyBarCharts Adds editable bar charts to your wiki using only core PmWiki features
- Cookbook.MathJax Add markup to embed math using TeX? syntax.
- Cookbook.Mathtex Add markup to display and embed several lines of mathematical formulas in wiki pages
- Cookbook.Maxi An image viewer with inline zoom, suitable for large drawings or panoramas
- Cookbook.MediaCategories Assembles all Categories in a page, alphabetizes, and appends to bottom of page--in the style similar to MediaWiki.
- Cookbook.MeetupAPIEventList Adds Meetup API to PmWiki pages
- Cookbook.MergeMetaTags A way to merge multiple meta tags into single entries
- Cookbook.MessagesReplacement A drop in replacement for the PmWiki (:messages:) directive
- Cookbook.MimeTeX Add markup to display and embed mathematical formulas in wiki pages
- Cookbook.MiniEdit An easy to use visual editor for Mini galleries
- Cookbook.MobileUsers Accommodating visitors who use mobile devices
- Cookbook.ModesConcept A place to remember thoughts/ideas related to using different modes
- Cookbook.MoreCustomPageVariables Additional custom page variables for use in pages, forms, includes and conditional markup.
- Cookbook.MostLeastPopular A recipe that keeps a wiki page with information about the most/Least popular pages in a wiki
- Cookbook.MultiColumn Allow text to flow into multiple columns
- Cookbook.NestedMarkups Allows nested
- Cookbook.NetstreamsCMS A CMS (Content Management System) extension for pmwiki features different page-types (article, blog, comment issues), separation of content and layout, basic workflow capabilities, content-type based authentication and wysiwyg editing.
- Cookbook.NetstreamsMenu A desktop-application like menu for authors and admins
- Cookbook.NewPageBoxPlus Adds customisable box plus button form for page creation
- Cookbook.NewPageForm Adds a new page using a form
- Cookbook.NumberedSections Add section numbers on a page
- Cookbook.OnEvent activate recipes based on group(s), name(s), cookie(s), session var(s), mark(s) in the needle page, action(s), download var(s), post var(s), get var(s) and does it all from config.php in a easy multi event match per call ?
- Cookbook.OpenLayersAPI Adds OpenLayers? API to PmWiki pages (for embedding OpenStreetMaps?)
- Cookbook.OpenSearch Add OpenSearch? autodiscovery & suggestions to PmWiki
- Cookbook.OpenUrls Automatically create URL Path for use with EnablePathInfo?.
- Cookbook.PageConfig Allow basic administrative configuration from a page
- Cookbook.PageCreator adds page creator (original author) to be stored as a page attribute
- Cookbook.PageDiffSize Add an accurate count of characters added & removed to each edit summary
- Cookbook.PagelistRecentChanges A recent changes page created using Page lists
- Cookbook.PageTableOfContents Adds a clickable table of contents to a page
- Cookbook.PageTimer A draggable countdown timer. URL redirect on timer expiration.
- Cookbook.PageTopStore A PageStore? alternative which doesn't mangle page contents when viewed outside PmWiki
- Cookbook.PathHistory Adds a trail of recent links visited to PmWiki
- Cookbook.PayPalButtons2 A flexible PayPal? "Buy Now" button markup
- Cookbook.PccfToPcfOverride Allows existing recipes to run on PHP 7 without causing deprecated create_function() messages.
- Cookbook.PMWCompat Allow PHP 5 commands to be used in PHP 4
- Cookbook.Popup-EditForm2 alternative EditForm, used in FixFlow?, Gemini, Triad skins
- Cookbook.Popup-EditQuickRef2 alternative EditQuickRef?, used in FixFlow?, Gemini, Triad skins
- Cookbook.PTVReplace Add link markup or input forms to replace values in PageTextVariables
- Cookbook.QuickPageTableOfContents Adds a dropdown clickable table of contents to a page - client side processing
- Cookbook.QuoteBlock Allow a small measure of nested 'wikistyles'.
- Cookbook.Quotes A sample quotations file for the Cookbook.RandomQuote page
- Cookbook.Rating A Quick and easy way for visitors to rate an item or issue.
- Cookbook.RecentChangesDeletion Allow authors to delete RecentChanges pages, there-by making it possible for authors to delete wiki groups.
- Cookbook.RecentUploadsLog-Archive Archive for the recipe RecentUploadsLog
- Cookbook.RedirectIntermap Allows redirects to intermap and external locations & implements silent 301 redirects
- Cookbook.ResponsiveGrid A collection of CSS classes to help fast grid layouts
- Cookbook.Scraper Add a markup for retrieving a portion of the content from an external webpage (screen-scraping).
- Cookbook.SectionInclude Adds a sectioninclude markup that works like include but you can click to edit the included page.
- Cookbook.SeeAllRSSChanges Add date to RSS feed
- Cookbook.SEO A set of best practices to Search Engine Optimization
- Cookbook.ShoppingCartProposal A proposal for how to develop a shopping-cart add-on for PmWiki.
- Cookbook.ShowHide Adds toggle buttons and links to show/hide sections and objects. Superseded by Toggle.
- Cookbook.SimpleAjax Allow a simple ajax interaction within forms, usually via WikiSh
- Cookbook.SimpleDiscussLink Add an action (or sidebar) link that leads to and from a -Talk page.
- Cookbook.SimpleGallery A simple image gallery
- Cookbook.SimpleMAINlink Add a link to your Main Home Page
- Cookbook.SimplePageCounter A simple page counter of visits to each page
- Cookbook.SimplePieDisplay Add an RSS feed to a page using SimplePie?
- Cookbook.SimpleRating a simple rating system
- Cookbook.SimpleRecipeTemplate A Simple Recipe Template to provide a framework for PmWiki recipes
- Cookbook.Sitemapper Adds a dynamically generated sitemap to PmWiki.
- Cookbook.SocialBookmarking Adds Badges for Sending a Page to Social Bookmarking Services
- Cookbook.Sortable Add sort options for a client list in the form of a drop-down list.
- Cookbook.SourceCodeHorizontalLines Allow horizontal lines made of dashes ("-------") in PMWiki page source code
- Cookbook.SpamFilters Automatic blocking of some spambots
- Cookbook.Standalone Allows PmWiki to run in a "standalone" mode, without needing a webserver such as Apache
- Cookbook.StaticPages Allows pmwiki pages to be published as static pages
- Cookbook.SubgroupMarkup Add one level of subpage using [[,subpage]] markup
- Cookbook.Suffr Allows Wiki users to administer the underlying computer system democratically
- Cookbook.TablesPlus A simpler yet more flexible markup for tables.
- Cookbook.TagPages Allow categorizing/tagging of pages with an easy interface.
- Cookbook.ThumbList A thumbnail picture gallery for PmWiki
- Cookbook.ToDo A nice looking ToDo? list
- Cookbook.Toggle Adds links or buttons for toggling (hiding/showing) elements on a page
- Cookbook.ToggleHide Add links to toggle display of html block elements
- Cookbook.Toggler add text/code folding, from image or text (show or hide page content)
- Cookbook.TotalCounter A statistic counter - counts page views, users, languages, browsers, operating systems, referers, locations and web bots
- Cookbook.TrackingMenu A sidebar menu tracking the current page
- Cookbook.UnToggle An unobtrusive show/hide toggle switch.
- Cookbook.UpdateAttachments Add "update Attachment" link to Attach: links
- Cookbook.UpForm Allow use of a Site.UploadForm page to format the upload form
- Cookbook.UpgradeBashScript A script that tries to automate the process of upgrading the wiki.
- Cookbook.UploadForm Alternative file upload form using
(:input file:)
- Cookbook.UploadGroups Allow uploads to be associated with individual pages or the entire site
- Cookbook.UploadTypes Add extensions to or remove them from the list of allowed upload types
- Cookbook.UserAdmin AuthUser account self-registration and management
- Cookbook.UserAuth2 A user-based permission granting and authentication module
- Cookbook.UTF-8 A collection of UTF-8 related tips and fixes
- Cookbook.UTF8Conv A recipe to help with the convertion of different encodings to UTF-8
- Cookbook.VersionedAssets Adds versions (modification timestamps) to attachment URLs?, so that browser caches invalidate properly when attachments are updated.
- Cookbook.VerySimpleToDo A very simple ToDo? list
- Cookbook.Voting Add a form to record "votes" on a page
- Cookbook.WebsiteIcon Add browser website icon (favicon) from config.php
- Cookbook.WikiBox Allow posting to and reading from PmWiki via email
- Cookbook.WikiCalendar Add support for a simple calendar. Each date becomes a wiki page.
- Cookbook.WikiFarmAlternative An efficient way to manage a wiki farm or web server.
- Cookbook.WikiFarmAlternative-Talk An efficient way to manage a wiki farm or web server.
- Cookbook.Wikipath A page text lookup grammar which attempts to understand wiki page structure
- Cookbook.WikipublisherJournal A journal separating content from presentation, aimed at delivering great web and printed results
- Cookbook.WikiRoot Add Markup to insert the root path to your Wiki allowing, for example, something like a relative address for images or files in your Wiki.
- Cookbook.WikiShDb An extension to WikiSh to allow database (PDO) usage
- Cookbook.WikiShTutorial A tutorial starting at a very basic level and exposing the user to all simple and most intermediate capabilities of WikiSh
- Cookbook.WikiSmileys Add graphical smileys to the markup
- Cookbook.WordPaste Ability to Paste Microsoft Word contents into PmWiki and retain bullet list, heading and other possible formatting.
- Cookbook.Wordpress Allows showing the last 5 posts from a wordpress installation.
- Cookbook.XHTMLStrict A collection of XHTML Strict tips, fixes, snippets
- Cookbook.ZAPBusinessDirectory Adventures in building a business directory
(:template defaults $:Summary=A*:)
- {=$FullName}? {=$:Summary}