Test /
List of pages in group 'PmWiki' which contain a (:redirect:) directive:
(:comment excluded pages don't have an active redirect directive -- they just contain the markup:) (:pagelist group=PmWiki name=-ChangeLog,-LayoutVariables,-MarkupMasterIndex,-PageDirectives,-Questions,-ReleaseNotes,-SpecialMarkups "(:redirect" :) |
List of pages without backlinks and no found external links (except links automatically generated by pagelists) (checked via Google with "link:www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Group/Page"):
- PmWiki.AdvancedTables?
- PmWiki.Analyzer?
- PmWiki.Backup?
- PmWiki.DocumentationAudiences? -- see also http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Category/DocumentationToDo where this page is labelled as "ready to be removed"
- PmWiki.Group?
- PmWiki.ImagesInWikiPages? (there are two links left from QuyTacDinhDangChu and from EnllaçosAPà ginesExternes? which I can't find)
- PmWiki.LinkMarkup?
- PmWiki.Localization? (there is one link from Localization where it is used as an example)
- PmWiki.NotifyList?
- PmWiki.PmWikiSightings?
- PmWiki.SimpleTables? (there is one link left from QuyTacDinhDangChu which I can't find)
- PmWiki.TranslatingTheFAQ?
- PmWiki.TranslationMechanism?
- PmWiki.TriadSkin?
- PmWiki.UsingCategories?
- PmWiki.WikiGroups
- PmWiki.WikiWords (there is one link left from StatoDellaTraduzione but it's just a list of documentation pages in PmWiki
List of pages without backlinks but with external links
List of otherwise deprecated pages without backlinks and without external links