
All of the text in this block
is purple.
# Purple cow
# Purple people eater
# Now this list is red
# And this is normal
# I wonder if the sky is as blue as this text?

All of the text in this block is purple.

  1. Purple cow
  2. Purple people eater
  1. Now this list is red
  1. And this is normal
  1. I wonder if the sky is as blue as this text?
 0: 00.00 00.00 config start
 1: 00.01 00.01 config end
 2: 00.21 00.20 MarkupToHTML begin
 3: 00.21 00.20 MarkupToHTML begin
 4: 00.22 00.21 MarkupToHTML end
 5: 00.22 00.22 MarkupToHTML end
 6: 00.22 00.22 MarkupToHTML begin
 7: 00.23 00.23 ReadApprovedUrls SiteAdmin.ApprovedUrls begin
 8: 00.24 00.23 ReadApprovedUrls SiteAdmin.ApprovedUrls end
 9: 00.24 00.24 MarkupToHTML end
10: 00.24 00.24 MarkupToHTML begin
11: 00.25 00.24 MarkupToHTML end
12: 00.25 00.24 now
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