Test / Skin<->Markup Test Page
A skin test page
Note: this form may give wrong test results for some skins, as some skins employ special markup functions the test does not evoke. Also see SkinTest-Compact for a newer skin-comparison page. Jump to: Text | Tables | Headings | Images | Lists | Blocks | Forms | Skin Selector
Skin Selector (edit)Choose the skin to try from the list on the right, or reset to the PmWiki skin: Note: This list only includes skins that are installed on pmwiki.org. To see the skins that are missing from this list, install them on your local copy of PmWiki. Jump to: Text | Tables | Headings | Images | Lists | Blocks | Forms | Skin Selector Text Tests (edit)Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla eget lacus?. Sed malesuada ligula. In ultrices urna. Maecenas et dolor vel ipsum gravida commodo. Ut a lectus. Aliquam mi velit, interdum et, feugiat ut, dictum eget, eros. Cras vulputate sapien vitae massa. Vestibulum eget wisi. Nulla ac justo non metus bibendum sagittis. Phasellus nonummy odio quis ante. Nunc vel lectus a lacus porttitor consequat. Proin venenatis. Praesent arcu. Vestibulum aliquet pellentesque odio. In viverra quam sed magna dapibus fringilla. Duis eleifend ante ac eros. Fusce nunc. Vivamus lectus magna, fringilla vel, ultricies id, convallis quis, mi. Mauris eros erat, dapibus eget, vestibulum dapibus, luctus ut, eros. Nullam id dolor. Aenean ut tortor. Duis in nulla at ante viverra faucibus. Donec pulvinar gravida est. Sed nec est vel pede fringilla varius. Pellentesque ac felis. Ut luctus, arcu nec pretium dapibus, lorem enim varius purus, at varius ipsum metus nec leo. Small text. Normal text. Large text. Indented text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla eget lacus. Sed malesuada ligula. In ultrices urna. Maecenas et dolor vel ipsum gravida commodo. Ut a lectus.
Double-indented text. Proin venenatis. Praesent arcu. Vestibulum aliquet pellentesque odio. In viverra quam sed magna dapibus fringilla. Duis eleifend ante ac eros. Fusce nunc. Vivamus lectus magna, fringilla vel, ultricies id, convallis quis, mi.
Hanging indented (outdented) text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla eget lacus. Sed malesuada ligula. In ultrices urna. Maecenas et dolor vel ipsum gravida commodo. Ut a lectus.
"Double" Hanging indented (outdented) text. Proin venenatis. Praesent arcu. Vestibulum aliquet pellentesque odio. In viverra quam sed magna dapibus fringilla. Duis eleifend ante ac eros. Fusce nunc. Vivamus lectus magna, fringilla vel, ultricies id, convallis quis, mi.
Jump to: Text | Tables | Headings | Images | Lists | Blocks | Forms | Skin Selector Heading Tests (edit)XXXXX HeadingXXXXX SubheadingXXXXX Sub-subheadingXXXXX Sub-sub-subheadingLevel 2 Heading (Link)Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla eget lacus. Sed malesuada ligula. In ultrices urna. Maecenas et dolor vel ipsum gravida commodo. Ut a lectus. Aliquam mi velit, interdum et, feugiat ut, dictum eget, eros. Cras vulputate sapien vitae massa. Level 3 Heading (Link)Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla eget lacus. Sed malesuada ligula. In ultrices urna. Maecenas et dolor vel ipsum gravida commodo. Ut a lectus. Aliquam mi velit, interdum et, feugiat ut, dictum eget, eros. Cras vulputate sapien vitae massa. Level 4 Heading (Link)Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla eget lacus. Sed malesuada ligula. In ultrices urna. Maecenas et dolor vel ipsum gravida commodo. Ut a lectus. Aliquam mi velit, interdum et, feugiat ut, dictum eget, eros. Cras vulputate sapien vitae massa. Jump to: Text | Tables | Headings | Images | Lists | Blocks | Forms | Skin Selector List Tests (edit)Ordered List
Unordered List
Jump to: Text | Tables | Headings | Images | Lists | Blocks | Forms | Skin Selector Image Tests (edit)Image With Text on Left (Float)
Image With Text on Right (Float)
A Centered Image
Two Images
Image With Text on Right (Table)
Image With Text on Left (Table)
Large Image
Jump to: Text | Tables | Headings | Images | Lists | Blocks | Forms | Skin Selector Table Tests (edit)
This table, styled with "smaller"-sized fonts in the <table> tag
should look like this one. which has the font size set in each cell:
Long TablesVery long horizontal tables to see the effect with the right sidebar
Jump to: Text | Tables | Headings | Images | Lists | Blocks | Forms | Skin Selector Block Tests (edit)With Bulleted List
Suspendisse nisl tellus, tincidunt ac, adipiscing in, tincidunt.
normal string Jump to: Text | Tables | Headings | Images | Lists | Blocks | Forms | Skin Selector Form Tests (edit)Forms
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0: 00.00 00.00 config start 1: 00.01 00.01 config end 2: 00.21 00.20 MarkupToHTML begin 3: 00.21 00.21 MarkupToHTML begin 4: 00.22 00.21 MarkupToHTML end 5: 00.22 00.21 MarkupToHTML begin 6: 00.22 00.22 MarkupToHTML end 7: 00.22 00.22 MarkupToHTML begin 8: 00.22 00.22 MarkupToHTML end 9: 00.22 00.22 MarkupToHTML begin 10: 00.23 00.22 MarkupToHTML end 11: 00.23 00.22 MarkupToHTML begin 12: 00.23 00.22 MarkupToHTML end 13: 00.23 00.22 MarkupToHTML begin 14: 00.23 00.22 MarkupToHTML end 15: 00.23 00.22 MarkupToHTML begin 16: 00.23 00.22 MarkupToHTML end 17: 00.23 00.22 MarkupToHTML begin 18: 00.23 00.22 MarkupToHTML end 19: 00.23 00.22 MarkupToHTML begin 20: 00.23 00.23 MarkupToHTML end 21: 00.23 00.23 MarkupToHTML begin 22: 00.23 00.23 MarkupToHTML end 23: 00.23 00.23 MarkupToHTML begin 24: 00.24 00.23 MarkupToHTML end 25: 00.25 00.24 FPLTemplate: Chain begin 26: 00.25 00.24 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad 27: 00.25 00.24 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateDefaults 28: 00.25 00.24 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePageList 29: 00.25 00.24 MakePageList pre 30: 00.25 00.24 PageListSources begin 31: 00.25 00.24 PageStore::ls begin wiki.d/{$FullName} 32: 00.26 00.25 PageStore::ls merge wiki.d/{$FullName} 33: 00.26 00.25 PageStore::ls end wiki.d/{$FullName} 34: 00.26 00.25 PageStore::ls begin $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName} 35: 00.26 00.25 PageStore::ls merge $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName} 36: 00.26 00.25 PageStore::ls end $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName} 37: 00.26 00.25 PageListSources end count=114 38: 00.26 00.25 PageListSort pre ret=4 order=name 39: 00.26 00.25 MakePageList items count=114, filters= 40: 00.26 00.25 MakePageList post count=114, readc=0 41: 00.26 00.25 PageListSort begin 42: 00.26 00.25 PageListSort sort 43: 00.27 00.25 PageListSort end 44: 00.27 00.25 MakePageList end 45: 00.27 00.25 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrg 46: 00.27 00.25 MarkupToHTML begin 47: 00.27 00.26 MarkupToHTML end 48: 00.27 00.26 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateSliceList 49: 00.27 00.26 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat 50: 00.28 00.27 MarkupToHTML begin 51: 00.35 00.34 MarkupToHTML end 52: 00.35 00.34 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrgPostFormat 53: 00.35 00.34 FPLTemplate: Chain end 54: 00.41 00.39 FPLTemplate: Chain begin 55: 00.41 00.39 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad 56: 00.41 00.40 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateDefaults 57: 00.41 00.40 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePageList 58: 00.41 00.40 MakePageList pre 59: 00.41 00.40 PageListSources begin 60: 00.41 00.40 PageStore::ls begin wiki.d/{$FullName} 61: 00.41 00.40 PageStore::ls merge wiki.d/{$FullName} 62: 00.42 00.40 PageStore::ls end wiki.d/{$FullName} 63: 00.42 00.40 PageStore::ls begin $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName} 64: 00.42 00.40 PageStore::ls merge $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName} 65: 00.42 00.40 PageStore::ls end $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName} 66: 00.42 00.40 PageListSources end count=7 67: 00.42 00.40 PageListSort pre ret=4 order=name 68: 00.42 00.40 MakePageList items count=7, filters= 69: 00.42 00.40 MakePageList post count=7, readc=0 70: 00.42 00.40 PageListSort begin 71: 00.42 00.40 PageListSort sort 72: 00.42 00.40 PageListSort end 73: 00.42 00.40 MakePageList end 74: 00.42 00.40 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrg 75: 00.42 00.40 MarkupToHTML begin 76: 00.42 00.40 MarkupToHTML end 77: 00.42 00.40 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateSliceList 78: 00.42 00.40 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat 79: 00.42 00.41 MarkupToHTML begin 80: 00.42 00.41 MarkupToHTML end 81: 00.42 00.41 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrgPostFormat 82: 00.42 00.41 FPLTemplate: Chain end 83: 00.42 00.41 MarkupToHTML end 84: 00.43 00.41 MarkupToHTML begin 85: 00.43 00.42 MarkupToHTML end 86: 00.43 00.42 MarkupToHTML begin 87: 00.44 00.42 ReadApprovedUrls SiteAdmin.ApprovedUrls begin 88: 00.44 00.43 ReadApprovedUrls SiteAdmin.ApprovedUrls end 89: 00.45 00.43 MarkupToHTML end 90: 00.45 00.43 now
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