Skin Test Page
a quite long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long preformatted block
Viewing: . Test a different skin or see additional markup examples below. This is the "quick/compact" skin test page. Test more extensive markup features on the Skin Test Assortment page.

Level 2 Heading Bold Italic Pre
- List Item - Use W3C validators to evaluate the HTML and CSS of this skin.
- Nested List Item - Evaluate RWD of this skin. Mobile-friendy? (Why?)
Level 3 Heading Bold Italic Pre
- Numbered (ordered) List Item - There's additional markup below the Test-a-Skin links.
- Second level list item (nested ordered list) -
. Test headings.
- Second level list item (nested ordered list) -
Level 4 Heading Bold Italic Pre
Small text · Normal text · Large text · Link with title (tooltip) · Visited Link? · External link
Non-Existent link? · Attach:file.ext Δ · Large mono
· Normal mono
· Small mono
Strong text · Emphasized text. · Strong Emphasised text · inserted text · deleted text
Superscript and Subscript · Strong link · Emphasised link · Strong Emphasised link
This escaped-text line is 80 characters wide so you can see how it appears here.
## This two-line block is an indented preformatted block. $PageLogoUrl = "$PubDirUrl/skins/pmwiki/pmwiki-32.gif";
Test PmSyntax coloring:
(:comment Testing PmSyntax colors:) [[(Cookbook/)PmSyntax]] test some [[Skins/feature]]s: * item\\ new line (:input checkbox name=name value="{*$Value}" label="$[Accept terms]":) !!!! Heading [[#anchor]] Attach:image.jpg"alt text" || border=1 ||! header || cell || |
Test a Skin
Click on the link below to show this page with the skin, or reset? to the PmWiki skin.
For best results, WikiAuthors should avoid putting Level 1 (<h1>) Headings in wiki pages. Instead use Levels 2 (!! markup) through 6 (!!!!!! markup) without skipping levels. L2 to L6 without skipping levels improves a page's structure and increases accessibility and discoverability of the page's content because headings establish a page outline. This editorial note is normal paragraph text. --Hagan

Normal paragraph text next to a right-floated image using %rfloat%
WikiStyle markup - PmWiki doesn't make any attempt to do everything that can be done in HTML. There are good reasons that people don't use web browsers to edit HTML--it's just not very effective. If you need to be writing lots of funky HTML in a web page, then PmWiki is not what you should be using to create it. What PmWiki does try to do is make it easy to link PmWiki to other "non-wiki" web documents, to embed PmWiki pages inside of complex web pages, and to allow other web documents to easily link to PmWiki.
Miscellaneous Markup
Wide text: [@preformatted@], ->[@intented preformatted@], and leading-space preformatted
This escaped-text line is 80 characters wide so you can see how it appears here.
This indented line is 80 characters wide for testing how a line that wide looks.
This line is also 80 characters wide.. also for testing how a wide line appears.
Some Unicode UTF-8 Symbols: ☕ ☾ ☀ ☀ ☽
This is a line of plain text with a border around it. This is a line of preformatted text with a border around it.
This is a line of monospaced text with a border around it.
In HTML 4.01, the <hr> tag is a "horizontal rule". In HTML5, the <hr> tag defines a thematic break. (Reference)
Level 1 Heading · Bold · Italic · Pre
· Mono
· Link
Some text.
Level 2 Heading · Bold · Italic · Pre
· Mono
· Link
Some text.
Level 3 Heading · Bold · Italic · Pre
· Mono
· Link
Some text.
Level 4 Heading · Bold · Italic · Pre
· Mono
· Link
Some text.
Level 5 Heading · Bold · Italic · Pre
· Mono
· Link
Some text.
Level 6 Heading · Bold · Italic · Pre
· Mono
· Link
Some more text.
Unordered list
- Unordered List Item
- Nested Unordered List Item
- Nested even more
- And another one
- Fourth level
- Second level
- Nested Unordered List Item
- Item
- Item
Ordered list
- Ordered List Item
- Nested Ordered List Item
- Nested even more
- And another one
- Fourth level
- Second level
- Nested Ordered List Item
- Item
- Item
Definitions / Descriptions
- definition list
- An HTML 4.01 list of terms, with a definition of each term.
- description list
- An HTML5 list of terms, with a description of each term.
- PmWiki
- A wiki-based system for collaborative creation and maintenance of websites.
Simple Table - PmWiki.Tables
Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 | Header 4 | Header 5 | Header 6 | Header 7 | Header 8 |
A 1 | A 2 | A 3 | A 4 | A 5 | A 6 | A 7 | A 8 |
B 1 | B 2 | B 3 | B 4 | B 5 | B 6 | B 7 | B 8 |
C 1 | C 2 | C 3 | C 4 | C 5 | C 6 | C 7 | C 8 |
Simple Table - with the "simpletable" class
Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 | Header 4 | Header 5 | Header 6 | Header 7 | Header 8 |
A 1 | A 2 | A 3 | A 4 | A 5 | A 6 | A 7 | A 8 |
B 1 | B 2 | B 3 | B 4 | B 5 | B 6 | B 7 | B 8 |
C 1 | C 2 | C 3 | C 4 | C 5 | C 6 | C 7 | C 8 |
Advanced Table - PmWiki.TableDirectives
Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 | Header 4 | Header 5 | Header 6 | Header 7 | Header 8 |
A 1 | A 2 | A 3 | A 4 | A 5 | A 6 | A 7 | A 8 |
B 1 | B 2 | B 3 | B 4 | B 5 | B 6 | B 7 | B 8 |
C 1 | C 2 | C 3 | C 4 | C 5 | C 6 | C 7 | C 8 |
Forms - PmWiki.Forms
Text: Textarea: Password: Email: File:
Floats and Frames
Floats and frames are predefined wikistyle shortcuts.
Text Floats and Frames
Jump to Image Floats
Some text before an rframe...
This is a PmWiki rframe div with two lines of preformatted text.
...and some more text after it.
Some text before an lfloat...
This is a PmWiki lfloat div with two lines of preformatted text.
...and some more text after it.
Some text before a cframe...
This is a PmWiki cframe div with two lines of preformatted text.
...and some more text after it.
Large-image Float & Frame
Two 600px-wide images in an rframe and lfloat...
Attach:FarmersMarketVeggies.jpg Δ
Farmer's Market Veggies
This is some text with an EighteenLetterWord? that's in an area that ideally won't become too narrow to display properly.
Attach:SunnyslopeAfricanDaisies.jpg Δ | African Daisies
This is some text with an EighteenLetterWord? that's in an area that ideally won't become too narrow to display properly.
Skin-specific markup goes here. (This section will be empty for most skins.)
Experiment here.