Ian MacGregor

I have been using computers since the 1970's and building computers since the 1990's. I have been using Linux since it became my sole operating system in 2001. I have been using PmWiki for years and currently run PmWiki on my website as well as on my desktop computers at home. PmWiki continues to impress me and I highly recommend it. If you need to contact me you can do so here.

How I use PmWiki:

  • PIM at home
  • Personal website online


Cookbook /
AdvancedTableDirectives-Users  User notes for the AdvancedTableDirectives recipe.
AuthTable  List Attributes of all pages in a wiki (Stable)
AuthUser-Users  User notes for the AuthUser recipe.
AuthUserCMSLike-Talk  Talk page for AuthUserCMSLike.
AutoRestore-Users  User notes for the AutoRestore recipe.
BlogCalendar-Talk  Talk page for BlogCalendar.
BlogCalendar-Users  User notes for the BlogCalendar recipe.
Captcha  Use captchas to prevent automated systems from modifying pages (Stable)
Captcha-Users  User notes for the Captcha recipe.
CommentBoxPlus-Talk  Talk page for CommentBoxPlus
CommentBoxPlus-Users  User notes for the CommentBoxPlus recipe.
CommentPageLink  How to create a comment page
CSSPopups-Users  User notes for the CSSPopups recipe.
DynamicTrails-Talk  Talk page for DynamicTrails.
EasyGallery  Creates an easy image gallery
EasyGallery-Talk  Talk page for EasyGallery.
EditTemplates-Users  User notes for the EditTemplates recipe.
EnhancedWebFeeds-Users  User notes for the EnhancedWebFeeds recipe.
ExpireDiff  How to remove a page's history (Stable)
ExpireDiff-Talk  Talk page for ExpireDiff.
ExternalLinks  Configure external links to open in a new window, have a "tooltip title", or use other CSS classes (Stable)
Favicon-Users  User notes for the Favicon recipe.
FormattingTables-Users  User notes for the FormattingTables recipe.
GTD-TLM-Talk  Talk page for the GTD Task List Manager recipe
IncludeSite-Talk  Talk page for IncludeSite.
JumpBox-Talk  Talk page for JumpBox.
Mailform4-Talk  Talk page for Mailform4.
Mailform4-Users  User notes for the Mailform4 recipe.
Mini-Talk  Talk Page for Mini recipe
MobileUsers  Accommodating visitors who use mobile devices (Stable)
MobileUsers-Users  User notes for the MobileUsers recipe.
MoreCustomPageVariables-Users  User notes for the MoreCustomPageVariables recipe.
NewPageBoxPlus-Talk  Talk page for NewPageBoxPlus.
NewPageBoxPlus-Users  User notes for the NewPageBoxPlus recipe.
OpenCalais-Talk  Talk page for OpenCalais.
PageAttic-Users  User notes for the PageAttic recipe.
PagelistCount  Get pagelist to return a count of pages (deprecated) (Obsolete -- added to core in 2.2.0-beta51)
PageTableOfContents-Users  User notes for the PageTableOfContents recipe.
PerGroupSubDirectories  Subdivide wiki.d into subdirectories according to page group
PerGroupSubDirectories-Users  User notes for the PerGroupSubDirectories recipe.
PmForm  Form processing engine for PmWiki (Development)
PmWikiAsACMS  How to use PmWiki as a CMS
PreventHotlinking  Prevent hotlinking of uploaded files
PreviewChanges-Users  User notes for the PreviewChanges recipe.
RecentUploadsLog-Users  User notes for the Recent Uploads Log recipe.
RedirectMap  create short urls for redirects using mapping similar to intermap (stable)
ROSPatterns  How to use $ROSPatterns, $ROEPatterns, and $TROEPatterns?
SimpleSiteMap  Easy site map using only core PmWiki features (Stable)
SimpleSiteMap-Talk  Talk page for SimpleSiteMap.
SimpleSiteMap-Users  User notes for the SimpleSiteMap recipe.
SiteInformation-Users  User notes for the SiteInformation recipe.
VerySimpleToDo  A very simple ToDo list
WebAdmin  PHP file manager, works without ftp client
WordWrapPreformattedText  Prevent long lines of text stretching beyond the window edge
DaveG /
Main /
00425  Words like DVDs and CDs are mistaken for WikiWord links (CoreCandidate, awaiting feedback / votes)
00521  Add ?action=backlinks (Awaiting feedback/votes)
00545  Encrypted page store. (feedback/discussion)
00613  Firefox Search Plugin for PmWiki (Awaiting feedback)
00657  Add "title" attribute to external links. (Closed - added for 2.2.14)
00828  Address book (Open)
00919  Add a quiet option in redirect markup (Closed (Added to core for 2.2.1))
00955  Automatic anchors for document sections
01233  Cleanup the Cookbook (Open)
01305  Enable meta generator header in HTML output (Open)
PmWiki /
Categories-Talk  Discussion of Categories
PmWikiUsers  Categorised usage of PmWiki
Questions  Ask your questions about PmWiki here, after checking the documentation index and FAQ
SuccessStories  Some of the many wonderful places where PmWiki is successfully used
PmWikiDe /
GroupHeaders  Zusätzlicher Inhalt am Anfang und am Ende aller Seiten einer Wikigruppe
Profiles /
Site /
AllRecentChangesPerAuthor  All pages changed by Author
Skins /
Academian  A tan skin with a gradient red header and brown highlights
Academian-Talk  Talk page for Academian.
BFreedom  A White skin with a blue header
Blix-Talk  Talk page for Blix.
Bluehead  Elegant looking white skin with a dark blue header and grey background
Blues  This skin has the blues
Bs-001  This is a dark theme intended to be a 'gaming' theme. It was converted from a php-nuke theme
Cinnamon  Clean skin with red, brown and gray highlights
Grayness  Aa blue and gray skin that is easy on the eyes in most lighting conditions
IPMWiki  Mobile skin for IPhone viewing and editing of PMWiki (stable)
Kaylen  Kaylen is a dark and modified version of the default PmWiki skin.
Marble  A dark marble background with a semi-transparent appearance for the wiki content
NewsPaper-Users  User notes for the NewsPaper recipe.
Night  A dark skin with green highlights
Parchment  A tan skin with brown hilights and mimics aged papyrus for its background
PlainBlog  A blog-oriented skin that emphasizes content, with an easy-to-read default font size and no graphical frills
Rounded  A blue and white skin which is great for blogs
Royale  A light skin with a gradient purple header and gold highlights
Royale-Talk  Talk page for Royale.
SkinChange-Users  User notes for the SkinChange recipe.
Trish  A white skin with a gradient blue header, blue highlights and a fancy background
Test /

Watch list:

January 11, 2025, at 09:50 AM - Cookbook.ThumbList - Petko (20250111 : Update for PHP 8, warning reported by Simon. (+64))
November 06, 2024, at 01:27 PM - Cookbook.Captcha - Petko (add PHP84, remove !CoreCandidate (-9))
July 29, 2024, at 07:05 PM - Cookbook.EditTemplates - Petko (add $TROEPatterns (+763))
April 26, 2024, at 09:52 AM - Cookbook.MoreCustomPageVariables - Petko (hlt, PSFT (-8))
March 20, 2024, at 02:59 AM - Skins.SkinChange - Petko (not obsolete (-14))
September 26, 2023, at 12:23 PM - Cookbook.CommentBoxPlus - HansB (update for PHP 8.1 (+11))
September 01, 2023, at 02:36 PM - PmWiki.AuthUser - Petko (de-sandbox (+8))
June 11, 2023, at 01:26 PM - PmWiki.Categories - goodguy00? (syntax err (+1))
February 14, 2023, at 08:00 AM - Cookbook.NewPageBoxPlus - HansB (recipe update for PHP 8.1 compatibility (+58))
January 01, 2022, at 06:01 AM - PmWiki.SiteAnalyzer - simon (htps (+1))
December 23, 2021, at 07:50 AM - PITS.01233 - MichaelPaulukonis (note about licenses, xref to Maintenance page)
December 23, 2021, at 06:48 AM - Cookbook.PageAttic - Ian MacGregor (Added a link to the talk page)
December 23, 2021, at 06:48 AM - Cookbook.SimpleSiteMap - simon (show as example)
December 23, 2021, at 06:48 AM - Cookbook.AutoRestore - Petko (new version 20201114: add ?action=store, $AutoRestoreMessage to the edit form (+51))
December 23, 2021, at 06:48 AM - Cookbook.MobileUsers - Ian MacGregor (changing webhosts)
December 23, 2021, at 06:48 AM - Cookbook.Mailform4 - AntonyTemplier (Update PHP 7.2 compatible (-106))
December 23, 2021, at 06:48 AM - Cookbook.FormattingTables - Petko (quotes (+2))
December 23, 2021, at 06:48 AM - Cookbook.BlogCalendar - HansB (Update. PHP 7.2 ready)
December 23, 2021, at 06:48 AM - Cookbook.AdvancedTableDirectives - gnu? ()