[pmwiki-users] Problem
steagl at people.it
Mon Apr 11 04:15:30 CDT 2005
Il Mon, 11 Apr 2005 10:41:38 +0200, Joachim Durchholz
<jo at durchholz.org> scrive:
>This sounds as if you renamed pmwiki.php to index.php and modified it.
>Both actions are a bad idea:
Yes i have pmwiki.php renamed, and no i didn't modified the file. I
have a local copy of the wiki on my PC the apache and PHP settings of
local install are exactly the same of my hosting provider.
The local version works perfectly :(
I always care to have new pmwiki version get renamed etc and i always
test any change locally before to aplly them online.
I thought that the problem was due to a couple of cookbook i installed
yesterday, i switched them off but the problem is still there, now i'm
copying the local vworking version online (in another dir) and testing
Thanks for your help
Stefano Aglietti - StallonIt on IRCnet - ICQ#: 2078431
Email: steagl at people.it - steagl at despammed.com
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