[pmwiki-users] Problem
steagl at people.it
Mon Apr 11 08:35:44 CDT 2005
Il Sun, 10 Apr 2005 21:24:16 +0200, Stefano <steagl at people.it> scrive:
I started with a config.php basic (the one in the .zip distribution)
and line by line i made it equal to the old one, checking the site ad
every change.
I ended havn the site working again, with old and new config files
exactly th same except for a blank line at the end of the file before
the ?> tag.
Now all works fine but i didn't got what the problem was and i hate
that :)
I don't think that blanck lines would be the problem... maybe Patrick
will give us a clue.
Thanks to everybody for the help and suggestions.
Stefano Aglietti - StallonIt on IRCnet - ICQ#: 2078431
Email: steagl at people.it - steagl at despammed.com
BlogPage: http://www.40annibuttati.it/
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