[pmwiki-users] Problem
steagl at people.it
Mon Apr 11 08:46:50 CDT 2005
Il Sun, 10 Apr 2005 21:24:16 +0200, Stefano <steagl at people.it> scrive:
Got it!!
I had a block of lines in config.php to exclude some pages from
searches , like this one:
$SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!^Main\\.DaRivedere$!';
One of them missed the ending $! causing the error.
Stupid me :(
Stefano Aglietti - StallonIt on IRCnet - ICQ#: 2078431
Email: steagl at people.it - steagl at despammed.com
BlogPage: http://www.40annibuttati.it/
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