[pmwiki-users] going back and forth

Adrianna Pinska adrianna.pinska at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 05:13:03 CST 2008


If your browser remembers your position on a page when you use the
back/forward buttons, it's because the page is being read from your
browser's cache, not the server.  Because PmWiki pages are dynamically
generated, they normally don't get cached, and are reloaded from the
server every time.

I found this recipe: http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/FastCache

It causes PmWiki to cache generated pages under some circumstances.  I
assume that either this recipe or something like it has been activated
on the PmWiki site.

Adrianna PiƄska

~ Registered Linux User #334504 ~
"If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face."

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