00744: Creating new wiki installations per instructions fail for https://

Summary: Creating new wiki installations per instructions fail for https://
Created: 2006-05-26 06:30
Status: Closed in 2.2.0-beta18
Category: Bug
From: Christian
Priority: 3

Description: I have a farm installation running on an Apache webserver via https://.

I tried to create a new field by creating a new directory and there creating a file pmwiki.php that included the real pmwiki.php.

Then I executed the file by browsing to it (I can't disclose the URI, but it is a https://...) and got the expected message that I needed to execute

     chmod 2777 /var/www/systems/test

for a "slightly safer installation" which I did. Everything has gone as it is supposed to so far.

Now I tried to follow the link with the link text:

"...following this link. Afterwards you can restore the permissions to their current setting by executing..."

The problem now is that the "this link" points to http://... rather than https://.... Hopefully this is very quick to fix, as the rest of the link was correct.

cheers, Christian