Site /
180 Recent Changes
This is a list of the 180 most recent changes. The full list is at Site.AllRecentChanges.
There is a shorter list at Most recent changes
- Cookbook.HandyTableOfContents . . . by Said Achmiz: Update recipe to new version (+28)
- Cookbook / . . . Uploaded by Said Achmiz to HandyTableOfContents (11760 bytes)
- PmWikiDe.DeletingPages . . . von MFWolff: touch (±0)
- PmWiki.DeletingPages . . . by Petko: title (+24)
- PmWikiRu.WikiSandbox . . . изменил Petko: reinit (+203)
- PmWikiDe.WikiFarms . . . von Michael Engelke: Fehlerhafte Wiki-Formatierung entfernt
(-8) - PmWikiDe.Functions . . . von MFWolff: pmcrypt sets $RehashedPassword (+219)
- Main.WikiSandbox . . . by ?: (+73)
- PmWiki.Functions . . . by Petko: pmcrypt sets $RehashedPassword
- PmWiki.Troubleshooting . . . by Petko: strftime (+283)
- Profiles.NeilHerber . . . by Neil Herber: fix ne hams link (+3)
- PmWikiZhCn.SideBar . . . 被 Petko: de-sandbox
(-172) - PmWikiZhCn.PmWikiZhCn . . . 被 admin: 不知道 (±0)
- Main / 0H3Vq9W_400x400.jpg . . . Uploaded by ? to WikiSandbox (41121 bytes)
- PmWiki.Categories-Talk . . . by simon: PmWiki can distinguish between defining a category and referring to a category; hlt
(-304) - Main.ANewPage . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-12) - Cookbook.SubgroupMarkup . . . by simon: added $SubpageTitle and $SubpageParentspaced page variables with oversight from JR (+157)
- Cookbook / subpages-2025-02-11.php . . . Uploaded by simon to SubgroupMarkup (8069 bytes)
- PmWiki.PmWikiUsers . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+149)
- TestBlog.Tzhtzjtzjtzjtzj . . . by dsfsdfsdf: (+183)
- Cookbook.Footnotes . . . by Said Achmiz: Updated recipe to new version (+97)
- Cookbook / footnote2.php . . . Uploaded by Said Achmiz to Footnotes (6192 bytes)
- Cookbook.WPCategories-Users . . . by sergiu: (+137)
- Skins.Enlighten-Users . . . by Petko: Replied on [[Enlighten-Talk]]. (+32)
- Skins.Enlighten-Talk . . . by Petko: added Q from Users page and A (+644)
- PmWiki.PmWikiFriendlyHosting . . . by Petko:
(-32) - PmWikiZhTw.InitialSetupTasks . . . 被 C: crypt()已弃用,更换为pmcrypt() (+10)
- PmWikiZhCn.InitialSetupTasks . . . 被 C: crypt()已弃用,应更换为pmcrypt():[[PmWiki/PasswordsAdmin|密码管理]];修改了一些 (+15)
- PmWiki.TableOfContents-Talk . . . by Petko: UnnumberedHeadings (+165)
- Test.UnnumberedHeadings . . . by Petko: Fixed bug with anchors to unnumbered headings today.
(-22) - PmWiki.ChangeLog . . . by Petko: Refactor PmTOC identifiers.
- Cookbook.Reminder . . . by Petko: 20250208a : Fixed a but that incorrectly ordered 12am and 12pm (+158)
- Cookbook.Flickr . . . by Volker Mörke: (±0)
- Cookbook.Captcha-Talk . . . by Robert Pollice: (+151)
- Cookbook.PageTableOfContents-Talk . . . by Nitram: (+4)
- PmWikiFr.WikiSandbox . . . par toto: (+15)
- Cookbook.BackupHTMLZip-Talk . . . by Petko: re Category pages (+1524)
- Cookbook.PageActions . . . by Petko: add link to recipe from Talk and users pages (+8)
- PmWiki.ReleaseNotes . . . by Petko: 2.4.2
- Cookbook.TextExtract-Talk . . . by HansB: header footer error fixed (+45)
- Cookbook.TextExtract . . . by HansB: update, fixed PHP 8 bug with footer (+88)
- Cookbook / extract.php . . . Uploaded by HansB to TextExtract (44177 bytes)
- PmWikiDe.EditVariables . . . von MFWolff: $EditAutoBrackets: single opening character (+124)
- Cookbook.SubpageMarkup . . . by simon: DeleteMe ? (±0)
- Main / attach.gif . . . Uploaded by ? to WikiSandbox (772 bytes)
- Main / spellcheck.gif . . . Uploaded by ? to WikiSandbox (752 bytes)
- Main / pagelink.gif . . . Uploaded by Petko to WikiSandbox (707 bytes)
- PmWiki.EditVariables . . . by Petko: $EditAutoBrackets: single opening character (+99)
- PmWiki.WebHosts . . . by Alex: (±0)
- PITS.01469 . . . by Petko: just swap conditional lines, looks nicer
- Cookbook.PageTableOfContents . . . by simon: fix PHP 8 warning with oversight from JR
(-103) - Cookbook / . . . Uploaded by simon to Attachtable (313367 bytes)
- Cookbook.Attachtable . . . by simon: fix PHP 8 warning (+165)
- Cookbook / totalcounter-2025-01-22.php . . . Uploaded by simon to TotalCounter (109029 bytes)
- Cookbook.TotalCounter . . . by simon: new version
(-46) - Cookbook / pagetoc-2025-01-22.php . . . Uploaded by simon to PageTableOfContents (15758 bytes)
- Cookbook.FastCache . . . by sergiu: Fix code block hard to see in dark mode
(-50) - PmWikiDe.SecurityVariables . . . von MFWolff: indent $HandleAuth example (+1)
- PmWiki.Subversion . . . by simon: https, hlt (+42)
- PmWiki.SecurityVariables . . . by Petko: indent $HandleAuth example
(-4) - PmWikiDe.Upgrades . . . von MFWolff: 2.3.38 to 2.4.0 (+2781)
- PmWikiDe.LayoutVariables . . . von MFWolff: $HTMLHeader1Fmt (+328)
- PmWikiDe.BasicVariables . . . von MFWolff: $PagePathResolveFmt (+759)
- Cookbook.PmPygment-Talk . . . by Said Achmiz: Fix typo (+234)
- Cookbook / pmpygment-2025-01-19.php . . . Uploaded by Said Achmiz to PmPygment-Talk (4702 bytes)
- Cookbook.FractionsPlus . . . by Said Achmiz: Updated recipe to new version (+37)
- Cookbook / fractionsplus.php . . . Uploaded by Said Achmiz to FractionsPlus (1491 bytes)
- PmWiki.Upgrades . . . by Petko: 2.4.0 (+13)
- PITS.01516 . . . by Petko:
(-68) - PmWiki.RoadMap . . . by Petko: Features planned for 2.4.x
- PmWiki.LayoutVariables . . . by Petko: $HTMLHeader1Fmt
- Cookbook.LuaExecute . . . by Petko: License: MIT (+13)
- Cookbook / sagecell.php . . . Uploaded by Said Achmiz to SageCell (2823 bytes)
- Cookbook.SageCell . . . by Said Achmiz: Updated recipe to new version. (+54)
- Cookbook / . . . Uploaded by Said Achmiz to LuaExecute (179982 bytes)
- Cookbook.GistEmbed . . . by Said Achmiz: Remove no longer relevant category
(-11) - Cookbook.PastebinEmbed . . . by Said Achmiz: Remove no longer relevant category
(-11) - Cookbook / . . . Uploaded by Said Achmiz to GistEmbed (19738 bytes)
- Cookbook / . . . Uploaded by Said Achmiz to PastebinEmbed (19190 bytes)
- Cookbook / pastebin-embed.php . . . Uploaded by Said Achmiz to PastebinEmbed (8386 bytes)
- PITS.01302 . . . by Petko: Added $PagePathResolveFmt for 2.4.0 (+69)
- PmWiki.BasicVariables . . . by Petko: $PagePathResolveFmt
- PmWikiDe.ConditionalMarkup . . . von MFWolff: add match example (+54)
- Cookbook.Toggle-Talk . . . by Said Achmiz: (+284)
- Cookbook.Toggle . . . by Said Achmiz: Recipe updated to new version (+37)
- Cookbook / toggle.php . . . Uploaded by Said Achmiz to Toggle (16546 bytes)
- PmWiki.ConditionalMarkup . . . by simon: add match example (±0)
- Cookbook.ConditionalMarkupSamples . . . by simon: if action defined in PmWiki from version 2.3.34
(-56) - Profiles.GNUZoo . . . by gnuzoo: adjust heading (+1)
- Cookbook.ImagePopup . . . by Harco Kuppens:
(-101) - Cookbook.EditHelp . . . by Petko: (+149)
- Cookbook.ThumbList . . . by Petko: 20250111 : Update for PHP 8, warning reported by [[~Simon]]. (+64)
- Main / MMU_Logo.png . . . Uploaded by Vincent Ng Sheng Weng to WikiSandbox (1841 bytes)
- Cookbook.UnderlineText-Talk . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-314) - Main.HomePage . . . by Petko: de-sandbox (±0)
- Main / mmu.logo.png . . . Uploaded by dsa to HomePage (477 bytes)
- TestW7 / image.png . . . Uploaded by ? to TestW7 (3580 bytes)
- Profiles.KirkSiqveland . . . by Petko: Expunged 2 edits. (±0)
- PmWiki.Forms . . . by Petko: PmForm/PmForm is not in the documentation, full link
- Cookbook.Filterable-Talk . . . by Petko: impractical to redraw the zebra colors (+499)
- Category.CategorieIA . . . by Petko: de-sandbox (+6)
- PmWikiDe.Forms . . . von Petko: PmForm/PmForm is not in the documentation, full link
- PmWiki.FondamentauxDuFootball . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-442) - PmWiki.HistoireDuFootball . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-380) - PmWiki.TendancesEtApplicationsActuelles . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-390) - PmWiki.RetourÀLAccueil . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-341) - PmWiki.RessourcesSurLeFootball . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-289) - PmWiki.FondamentauxEtConceptsClés . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-631) - PmWiki.ContexteHistorique . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-571) - PmWiki.DéfisEtProblèmes . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-504) - PmWiki.Ressources . . . by Petko: despam
(-232) - PmWiki.PmWiki-Talk . . . by Petko: Expunged 8 edits. (+4085)
- PmWiki.ConceptsClés . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-745) - SiteAdmin.Blocklist . . . by Petko: (+24)
- Cookbook.Sortable-Talk . . . by PierreRacine: (+1)
- Cookbook.Sortable . . . by PierreRacine:
(-1) - Cookbook / . . . Uploaded by PierreRacine to Sortable (2448 bytes)
- PmWiki.MyNewPage . . . by Petko: despam
(-914) - Cookbook.Input . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-1221) - PmWiki.HistoireIA . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-729) - PmWiki.ConceptsCles . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-887) - PmWiki.DefisProblemes . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-496) - PmWiki.ApplicationsIA . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-627) - PmWikiFr.ConceptsCles . . . par Petko: de-sandbox
(-601) - PmWikiFr.HistoireIA . . . par Petko: de-sandbox
(-597) - PmWikiFr.ApplicationsIA . . . par Petko: de-sandbox
(-628) - PmWikiFr.DefisProblemes . . . par Petko: de-sandbox
(-497) - PmWikiFr.Ressources . . . par Petko: de-sandbox
(-492) - PmWiki.FondamentauxDeLIA . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-772) - PmWiki.Accueil . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-750) - Main.This . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-24) - Cookbook / . . . Uploaded by Kirk Siqveland to SendMail (2249 bytes)
- Cookbook.ImportText-Users . . . by DannyB: (+279)
- Cookbook / totalcounter-2024-11-13.php . . . Uploaded by simon to TotalCounter (100149 bytes)
- Cookbook / totalcounter-2024-11-10.php . . . Uploaded by simon to TotalCounter (99231 bytes)
- PITS.01515 . . . by VKrishn: Add newlines in header links (+485)
- PmWiki.GroupFooter-Talk . . . by Petko: re $GroupFooterFmt (+93)
- PmWiki.CustomWikiStyles-Talk . . . by VKrishn: prepend method works! thanks (+233)
- Localization.Localization-Talk . . . by VKrishn: Some pages are not bundled? (+230)
- Profiles.VKrishn . . . by VKrishn: Source code imported to Git scm (+123)
- Cookbook.InfoBox . . . by VKrishn: update to v2.4.3 (+105)
- Cookbook / infobox-latest.tgz . . . Uploaded by VKrishn to InfoBox (11541 bytes)
- Cookbook.Snotes . . . by VKrishn: update to v2.3.5 (+116)
- Cookbook / snotes-latest.tgz . . . Uploaded by VKrishn to Snotes (6709 bytes)
- Cookbook / . . . Uploaded by Petko to B3 (10165 bytes)
- Cookbook.Captcha . . . by Petko: add [[!PHP84]], remove !CoreCandidate
(-9) - TestBlog.TestTestTest . . . by Petko: [b3] Comment posted: No captcha shown as user has Edit permissions.
- News.2022-05-05 . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
- Cookbook.B3 . . . by Petko: 20241106: Update for [[Captcha]] version 20240919, reported by Peter Waldhaeuser. (+96)
- PmWikiDe.CustomActions . . . von MFWolff: pmhlt (+7)
- PmWiki.CustomActions . . . by simon: hlt (+7)
- PmWikiDe.PageDirectives . . . von MFWolff: update messages (+40)
- PmWikiDe.MarkupMasterIndex . . . von MFWolff: update messages (+128)
- PmWiki.PageDirectives . . . by simon: update messages (+418)
- PmWiki.MarkupMasterIndex . . . by simon: update messages (+57)
- Cookbook.AttachListSort-Talk . . . by gnuzoo: maybe it would be easier to understand if you added a few regular expressions (+230)
- Cookbook.AttachListSort . . . by gnuzoo: (+162)
- Cookbook / AttachListSort.php . . . Uploaded by gnuzoo to AttachListSort (4527 bytes)
- Cookbook / . . . Uploaded by Harco Kuppens to ImagePopup (3929 bytes)
- Cookbook.EZLocaleDate . . . by gnuzoo: (+102)
- PITS.01375 . . . by Petko: Closed, fixed in 2016 (+3)
- PITS.01324 . . . by Petko: (+311)
- PITS.01270 . . . by Petko: Closed, declined (+414)
- Cookbook.SpellChecker . . . by Petko: [[!Obsolete]] (+295)
- PITS.01337 . . . by Petko: Closed, fixed in 2014 (+3)
- PITS.01272 . . . by Petko: Closed, added to Cookbook (+11)
- PITS.01307 . . . by Petko: -updateme
(-14) - PmWiki.SearchForPages . . . by Petko: de-sandbox
(-1329) - PmWikiFr.LayoutBasics . . . par Petko: redirect SkinTemplates (+26)
- PmWiki.LayoutBasics . . . by Petko: Deprecated, see [[PmWiki/Skin Templates]]
(-4205) - PmWikiFr.NatureDunWiki . . . par Petko: unused
(-733) - PmWiki.BasicEditing-Talk . . . by Petko: re Remove <p> tags (+1032)
- Cookbook / dirlist.php . . . Uploaded by Petko to DirList (5330 bytes)
- Cookbook.DirList-Talk . . . by Petko: (+83)
- Cookbook.DirList . . . by Petko: 20241030 Update for PHP 8.3, many changes (+464)
- Cookbook.Qnotes . . . by VKrishn: update to v2.3.2 (+1504)
- Cookbook / qnotes-latest.tgz . . . Uploaded by VKrishn to Qnotes (80916 bytes)
- Skins.Pmwiki-dt . . . by VKrishn: update to v2.4.2 (+135)
- Skins / pmwiki-dt-latest.tgz . . . Uploaded by VKrishn to Pmwiki-dt (4718 bytes)